A Little About Me

Hello! I am Kimberly Sager. I am the owner and founder of Prana of Sedona. My yoga practice originated a little over a decade ago when I found a cute little studio in Sparta, NJ. The class was an hour and I was the only one who showed up. I ended up staying for another hour engaged in deep spiritual conversation with a lovely instructor. What she didn’t know was that my father had recently passed and that yoga class quite literally saved my life. Yoga carried me through a deep, therapeutic process and my heart instantly found its spark.

After years of practice and study, I embarked on a journey to become a yoga teacher in 2019. I quickly developed a strong desire to absorb more knowledge while integrating my teachings into my daily life. I knew teaching yoga would be a part of my true dharma, I just wasn’t sure at the time how it would unfold.

In 2021, I took a giant leap of faith with the love of my life, Evan. We packed up a van and traveled all around our beautiful America with the intention of finding a forever home. Little did we know at the time that the magical red rocks of Sedona, Arizona would call us in shortly after a year. It was the first and only place where I felt truly safe and grounded, and I wanted to immerse myself in the community.

Being a long-time child care provider, I naturally was drawn to bringing that to Sedona. There was a major need for family support, and I spent a long while helping families foster a strong, deep connection. Then, I took my love for these children and introduced yoga. My desire to help them realize their own inner light began to pour out into the community. I brought the very first kid’s yoga summer program to Sedona, and I began offering many other kid’s yoga workshops. My dharma was becoming clear and evident and this was a niche that needed to fill.

Don’t get me wrong, I love connecting with adults through yoga. Teaching yogic foundations in vinyasa, yin, hatha, and other modalities provides an energetic exchange that is unparalleled. I have had the privilege of guiding the most interesting people with the most intriguing stories.

But there is nothing like connecting with the innate wisdom and imaginative wonders of a child. There is nothing like threading my heart with expecting mamas, holding a safe container for them based on unconditional love as they prepare for the birth of this little light they have created over nine months. Being of service in this way overflows my spiritual cup and that is how I know I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be. What a blessing that this was how yoga was going to unfold for me. And I had no idea!

But I see how yoga inspires change in children and mothers. I see how yoga brings ease in my students while they lay in savasana at the end of a flow. I see it in the smiles and awe-struck sighs when I guide people on yoga hikes. This is the purpose of Prana of Sedona, to bring that feeling into all aspects of life and to make that accessible to everyone.

When I am not teaching yoga, you could usually find me hiking, baking a loaf of sourdough, or creating in some way. Chances are, you will also find me eating an avocado.